Monday, 20 October 2014

Theme Three

Hello magicians,

This is our theme three video where we bought some clothes and we answer some questions!!

Here you can find some more information: 

We met on 11th October at 10:00 am so we had time to go shopping and answer the questions. 

We decided to go to a shop that we usually go shopping so we met they. That's why we could film in to the shop. 

Firstly, we didn't know what to buy, but we went into and we started to look for we want. After that, we try on the clothes and when we decided that we want this clothes, Ainoa starts to film us. 

Then, we check the prices and we take photos of the ticket. 

We went outside and right there she asked to us the questions while she was filming. 

We think there are some interesting answers so check the video.  

Thanks for check our blog,

Magic Three

Here we are again!

Hello magicians!

How about holidays? Our vacations have been great! But now it's time to work. We can't wait to start working a little on the blog. Team Three hope that you too!

From rigth to left: Judith Ramon, Raquel Caro, Chris Edwards-Westlake, Ainoa López, Maria Giménez & Judith Gracia

Don't forget to check our blog!!

Have a nice day,

Magic Three